28Mm Market Stall

thingiverse | Free

“To market, to market…”Here is a sample Market Stall for your tabletop ...

Basic Ruined Wall

thingiverse | Free

Full set of ruins available here:https://www.terrainify.com/product-page/ancient-ruins-starter-set-10-piecesWatch ...

28Mm Stalagmites

thingiverse | Free

Here is a set of Stalagmite scatter terrain for your tabletop RPG games. There are ...

Warhammer 40K Bolter

thingiverse | Free

Why? … Because that friend had a cousin.UPDATE:I have now designed a wall mount ...

28Mm Barrel Cart

thingiverse | Free

The Barrel Cart is a sample from my “Carts and Wagons” pack available ...

Rock Formations

thingiverse | Free

Update 2018-03-03I have added solid versions of the rock formations. So now you can ...

28Mm Square Tables

thingiverse | Free

Here are some rustic square tables for your taverns or dungeons. All models are ...

28Mm Modular Bar

thingiverse | Free

NORM!All models are designed to print flat and without supports or rafts. All files ...

Village Terraincottage

thingiverse | Free

Cottage terrain for fantasy villages or historic wargames. Designed to be printed ...

Painting Handle

thingiverse | Free

This is a painting handle capable of holding miniatures with bases of 25mm as well ...

28Mm Round Table

thingiverse | Free

These models were printed at .1mm layer height. All models are designed to print ...