Necklace Clasp V2

thingiverse | Free

Hello.Change its scale in your slicer if necessary.Without supportFilament PETG (u ...

Thors Hammer

thingiverse | Free

THE HAMMER OF THOR.improved design added may 9thtalisman, keychain or neclace.print ...


thingiverse | Free

OMG necklace… perfect for SLA printer, so-so for FDM printer (use very thin ...

Earring Necklace Holder

thingiverse | Free

It is a very simple but yet a powerful gift for those who want to impress or help ...

Xbox 360One Logo

thingiverse | Free

Due to my PayPal not being available, you can still support me on Ko-Fi., ...

Marble Pendant

thingiverse | Free

27 x 30 x 20mm (Marble 25mm)12min PrintScale 1,438 x 40 x 30mm (Marble 35mm)24min Print ...

Golden Octo Necklace

thingiverse | Free

remixed from makerbot’s original cute octo. I suggest you paint it gold or ...

Meander Pendant

thingiverse | Free

Symbol of the eternal flow of things in ancient Greek…80 x 75 x 5 mm25min print ...

Zebra Face Pendant

thingiverse | Free

77 x 50 x 5mm15min printfinish: spraypainted silver then draw the black lines with ...

Voronoi Necklace

thingiverse | Free

A necklace, somewhat voronoi style.I am finetuning my idex machine to print it with ...

Head Phone Cat Ears

thingiverse | Free

I designed this on fusion 360, the part that connects is 8mm wide and it fits snuggly ...

Ghost Pendant

thingiverse | Free

A large style pendant for the Swedish band Ghost, “Ghost BC in US”.You ...