Chainsaw Chain Round Disk

thingiverse | Free

Roughly 65mm diameter,5mm thick, feel free to customize this in anyway you see fit. ...

Reversible Hinge

thingiverse | Free

This is an idea I had for printed-assembled, reversible hinges. I started with HingeBox ...

Snow Tracks 110Th Scale

thingiverse | Free

These are some Snowtracks I designed for my Rc-car.In addition to the printed parts ...

Flexible Tubing 14

thingiverse | Free

This is just a simple design that can be used for a number of things. Most commonly ...


thingiverse | Free

Experimental chainmail. You can download and print one of the example files, or download ...


thingiverse | Free

Based upon the famous walking Strandbeest from Theo Jansen ( ...

Nepenthes Planter

thingiverse | Free

This Ire looking chap is super happy, friendly and willing to hold onto your plants ...

Lightsaber Creation Kit

thingiverse | Free

The Lightsaber Creation Kit (LCK) is made up of 15 main pieces.3 Pummels3 Grips3 ...

Unicorn Cookie Cutter

thingiverse | Free

This contraption cuts cookies in shape of a Unicorn’s head ;)Source lives at ...

Many Coins

thingiverse | Free

A collection of coins and the OpenSCAD framework used to make them.Life is full of ...

Braid Galaxy

thingiverse | Free

A braided knot, made from one continuous string, intricate and interesting to play ...