Customizable Hallows Tablet

thingiverse | Free

FAQ:[>>>] Generating Attributions log:[0] ...

Customizable Sword

thingiverse | Free

A customizable sword. May have to be scaled down for printing. ...

Ring Generatorcostumizer

thingiverse | Free

This is a ring generator(play around with the settings)Please consider to support ...

Us Citizen Coozie Cup

thingiverse | Free

I was looking for an item to give to a coworker who just became a US Citizen and ...

Word Raindrop Wall Art

thingiverse | Free

This are cool looking customizable word raindrops which you can hang to your wall ...

Maker Coin Base

thingiverse | Free

customizable base for a maker coin base ...

Customizable Coin Trap

thingiverse | Free

This is just a quick remix of mathgrrl’s coin trap.I dropped the list, as i’ve ...

Spiral Poem Bracelet

thingiverse | Free

Experimental spiral custom bracelet. Probably not an easy print. This script will ...

Space Bracelet Beads

thingiverse | Free

Build your own copy of the solar system for your wrist! This bracelet is scaled (using ...

Square Vasecustomizable

thingiverse | Free

This is a simple customizable square Vasecheck out my patreon: ...


thingiverse | Free

bracelet bracelet ...

Cusomizable Plate

thingiverse | Free

This is a customizable plate made while following the tutorial : ...