Dna Helix Pencil Holder

thingiverse | Free

This is a “two parts in one print” design with no raft or supports needed.Print ...

Ender 3 Double Drawer

thingiverse | Free

Note: The Ender 3 Pro or Ender 3 Plus have a different frame which is not compatible ...

Dark Mask Jointed

thingiverse | Free

Create your own articulated frightening mask. You just have to print two parts and ...

3D Jointed Puppy Dog

thingiverse | Free

Meet Charlie, my articulated / jointed puppy that prints in one piece. Thanks to ...

Folding Dna Model Kit.

thingiverse | Free

DNA model kit DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) is the remarkable molecule at the core ...

Jointed Hand

thingiverse | Free

Prints and builds an articulated hand. Mostly it is jointed by balls allowing you ...


thingiverse | Free

double ended karabiner clip. ...

Sea Serpent

thingiverse | Free

Sea serpent this is developed to study Articulated tail design for dragons and snake ...

Jointed Female Figure

thingiverse | Free

Update 28.03.2020:Updated all parts (old parts – OLD.rar). Got rid of stupid ...

Bequi Jointed Robot

thingiverse | Free

Bequi is an jointed robot 23cm high, has 16 joints. Among her favorite hobbies include ...

Jointed Robot

thingiverse | Free

I like to create jointed figures. You can see my creations here: http://www.soniaverdu.es/p/bjd-art-doll.html ...

Wip Tiny Articulated Bot

thingiverse | Free

Print this little articulated robot.No additional supports.More Here: http://diwo.bq.com/wip-robot-articulado-imprimible/You ...


thingiverse | Free

‘Platez’ are fun, decorative and informative small car licence plate ...

Mando Helmet

thingiverse | Free

Yes its ANOTHER Mando Helmet… I thought id have a go and make my own version ...

Multi Angle Phone Stand

thingiverse | Free

I called it M.A.P.S. keychain in short. Lately I am addicted to Netflix movies and ...


thingiverse | Free

https://www.instagram.com/kuleshow/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=st9j597lpJwsketchfab: ...

T. Rex Easy Print And Glue

thingiverse | Free

I sliced this beautiful model up for easier printing with less support. It printed ...

Halo Energy Sword

thingiverse | Free

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eky3g7WeSCQRead the Full Tutorial:https://learn.adafruit.com/halo-energy-sword/overviewShop ...