Borderlands Loot Chest

thingiverse | Free

Solidworks project for a Borderlands loot chest I made. Now you too can stash all ...

House Stark Wolf

thingiverse | Free

House of Stark is the one of Game of the Thrones family. This design is made to cover ...

Anet A8 Anti Zwobble

thingiverse | Free

This is a stabalizer for the Anet A8 Z-Axis.You need two 608 bearing, one for the ...

Viking Brooch

thingiverse | Free

This brooch is based on the 11th century Ringerike Disk, from Gotland, Sweden. Any ...


thingiverse | Free

Coming soon: An arduino Uno + proto shield version !!EDIT 2018/03/04Added V2 board ...

P66 120 Pinhole Camera

thingiverse | Free

*HEY! This was a great camera, but my newer stuff is better! Please check out the ...

Anti Z Wobble For Anet A8

thingiverse | Free

I made this device quickly.In the following planned to make changes.But the device ...

Easy 3D Printed Face Shield

thingiverse | Free

Yet another face shield.Fast and light 3D printed Face shield.Changelog:rev0.6: adjusted ...


thingiverse | Free

This is a model of an Anti-Gravitator, sometimes also called Levitator or Levitron. ...

Diy Dremel Cnc

thingiverse | Free

Simple, inexpensive, and easy to build CNC machine – my main assumptions while ...