Expandable Bracelet Xs

thingiverse | Free

Expandable Slidable structure, the Ultimate Deployable jewel/accessory/toy from BDan ...

Digital Shoe Design Kit

thingiverse | Free

This kit contains all the digital parts you need to design your own basic running ...

Seussian Structure Iii

thingiverse | Free

A light sculpture that attempts to channel the whimsical imaginary structures of ...

Lattice Cage Teacup

thingiverse | Free

LATTICE CAGE TEACUP I started playing around with designs that incorporate lattice ...

Simple Dragon Dice

thingiverse | Free

FAQ: http://www.thingiverse.com/shivinteger/about[>>>] Generating Attributions log:[0] ...

Emerging Lattice Arm

thingiverse | Free

Remix of the wire frame lattice arm and the pen puddle. For a lattice arm emerging ...

Lattice Cube 1

thingiverse | Free

Print with circular base on bed with some brim higher is betterIt’s art, later ...

4X4X4 Lattice

thingiverse | Free

My 1st art printcame out great ...

Crystal Clusters

thingiverse | Free

A pair of crystal like structures. One big, one small.If you want, you can add a ...

Tensegrity Tetrahedron

thingiverse | Free

After printing, you need strings to make it tensegrity.There are small holes to attach ...

Lion Voronoi

thingiverse | Free

Cool lion with a voronoi maneThis is a remix ...

Dog Kl

thingiverse | Free

口糧是聰慧的台灣犬,被放在營養口糧的破紙箱中,送來設計學院,他用一輩子陪伴大家度過沒日沒夜的創作時光。口糧逝去後,出於感念而設計了形體,以代表他的身軀,並邀請思念他的朋友以書寫將回憶留下,代表他的靈魂。如今將形體修改為較好列印的版本,讓小口糧能夠繼續陪伴正在努力的伙伴。1.下載 ...

Cat Mi

thingiverse | Free

當兵時我被分配在廚房,由於缺乏料理經驗,大概只有小咪認同我為他準備的口味,小咪是住在台灣東部的米克斯貓。就算處在困境,還是會有懂得欣賞的小傢伙緊盯著你喔!1.下載 ...

Globular Lattice Basket

thingiverse | Free

Globular Basket with Fin-shaped LatticeThis Thing is perfectly printable without ...