Moon Lamp
thingiverse | Free
This is a moon lamp that have both surface and glowing details.Please find more detail ...
Browse 126 Mid Century Table Lamp 3d Models in Printable Stl files format
thingiverse | Free
This is a moon lamp that have both surface and glowing details.Please find more detail ...
thingiverse | Free
Lamp with Ancient Greek meander patterns. Somewhat easy print since it’s printed ...
thingiverse | Free
This is a hanging table top where tension forces are used to keep the table upright ...
thingiverse | Free
Perfect for a straight cut with the materials such as wood, steel, epoxy or small ...
thingiverse | Free
I am from Russia but I am against the war!In this regard, all my 3d models you can ...
thingiverse | Free
A big cellular thing. Use this as a lampshade for an LED light or as a sculpture. ...