Open Lamp Shade

thingiverse | Free

This is an OpenSCAD script to create shades for lamp sockets. Ikea makes some inexpensive ...

Servo Flower

thingiverse | Free

This lamp is inspirited by the Lotus flower.It consists out of 12 separate leaves ...

Twisted Hexagon Vase

thingiverse | Free

Twisted vase standing 150mm high and roughly 160mm in diameter. ...

Ada Robotic Hand

thingiverse | Free

This is the Ada robotic hand from Open Bionics, a fully 3D printable robotic hand, ...

Kbricks Tractor

thingiverse | Free

The kbricks tractor uses a subset of 24 parts of the kbricks construction system ...

Golf Multitool Key Chain

thingiverse | Free

A video explaining the multitool: This ...

Ring Lamp Customizable

thingiverse | Free

There is a V2 of this model: (Dual)There ...

Julia Fractal Twist Vase

thingiverse | Free

This is a vase I designed based on the Julia set of fractals. It is generated with ...

Brobot Evo The Evolved Self Balancing Robot

thingiverse | Free

THIS IS AN OLD VERSION OF THE B-ROBOT, for the new one go to: B-robot EVO 2…………………………………………………………………………………………………..B-robot ...

Decorative Vase

thingiverse | Free

This is a decorative vase I designed. This is a solid object and MUST be printed ...