Girl Power Earrings

thingiverse | Free

Girl power earrings you can add the typical hooks, or add them at any other earrings. ...

Piggy Bank

thingiverse | Free


George Floyd Lithophane

thingiverse | Free

This is a lithophane of the famous image of murder victim Mr. George Floyd. More ...

Pink Flower

thingiverse | Free

Hi all,my first creative test, just a simple pink flower. Printed on Ultimaker 2 ...

Pencil Grip

thingiverse | Free

This is a pencil grip i designed. Fits well. ...

Kpop 3 Colour Keyrings

thingiverse | Free

This is a snap together three colour kpop keychain,with group name on one side and ...

Large Kpop Ornament

thingiverse | Free

A large KPop ornament, stands about 19cm tall.You can print it at 75% for a smaller ...

Kpop Ornaments

thingiverse | Free

UPDATE: This file was getting a bit big so I have added a second set of KPop ornaments ...

Skull Mask

thingiverse | Free

Custom mask for Halloween.Week 3 of my 3D printing challenge. I had my face scanned ...

Nepenthes Planter

thingiverse | Free

This Ire looking chap is super happy, friendly and willing to hold onto your plants ...

Lightsaber Creation Kit

thingiverse | Free

The Lightsaber Creation Kit (LCK) is made up of 15 main pieces.3 Pummels3 Grips3 ...

Unicorn Cookie Cutter

thingiverse | Free

This contraption cuts cookies in shape of a Unicorn’s head ;)Source lives at ...

Many Coins

thingiverse | Free

A collection of coins and the OpenSCAD framework used to make them.Life is full of ...