Mini Face Hugger

thingiverse | Free

~Edit – I have added a new file with all the parts on a level first layer ~A ...

Ogre From Dd Essentials Kit

thingiverse | Free

Intended to be printed as a 28 mm scale mini on a laser resin printer. I have a hollowed ...

3D Printed Unicorn Horn

thingiverse | Free Searching for a simple costume project to bring your ...

Single Print Ocarina

thingiverse | Free

This beautiful item took a lot of experimentation (and a ton of ABS) to get right… ...

Discovery From 2001 Xd1

thingiverse | Free

The Discovery spacecraft from Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 changed science fiction ...

Laser Tie

thingiverse | Free

This is a highly fashionable tie, made of wood.It’s flexible and a nice contrast ...

Sparrow 3D Printed Plane

thingiverse | Free

The sparrow is a small 3d printed plane design that is made to hit the sweet spot ...

Pelican From Halo

thingiverse | Free

I found this on Googles 3D Warehouse made by: Warsock on April 18, 2007, ...

Mehrunes Razor From Skyrim

thingiverse | Free

Mehrunes Razor from Skyrim. Should be printed in multiple pieces and glued together ...