Retro Minibob

thingiverse | Free

This retro-styled mini-bob is a simple design but it offers a lot of fun! Unfortunately ...

Impossible Dragon

thingiverse | Free

I saw the “impossible table”, I had just printed a “Skyrim frost ...

Lithophane Frame Curved

thingiverse | Free

RECENTLY ADDED FILE: (CurvLid150prc4to3.stl and Curv150prc4to3.stl) This is the 150% ...

Headset Holder With Screw

thingiverse | Free

This is a simple headset holder with a screw to attach it to any surface, and an ...

Screwdriver Stand

thingiverse | Free

A screwdriverstand with space for fourteen screwdrivers. The Stand is specially made ...

Steampunk Nixie Tube Clock

thingiverse | Free

Create a desktop Steampunk style Nixie Tube Clock. You will need to acquire a Nixie ...

Playstation Vr Psvr Stand

thingiverse | Free

I built this one to give my PSVR a nice stand with a design I like.The top part and ...

Desk Shrooms

thingiverse | Free

Print some retro fungi for your desk!Single piece prints: Download Shroom.stlMulti ...

Mobile Phone Stand

thingiverse | Free

This is a Phone Stand that give you the option to place the phone sideways or upwards ...