Photographic Sweep Stand

thingiverse | Free

This stand provides a sweep, or curved, seamless background for photographing small ...

Hand Water Pump

thingiverse | Free

Old style hand pump, designed to fit onto a large water bottle. Will work anywhere. ...

Pliers Self Opening

thingiverse | Free

Overview:What kind of pliers do you use in math class? Answer: Multipliers!These ...

Clip Peg General Purpose

thingiverse | Free

General purpose self sprung spring clip. For use with anything e.g. packaging, clothes, ...

Car Headrest Bag Hooks

thingiverse | Free

The Car Headrest Bag Hooks design is similar to some commercially available… ...

Upcycle Jar Greenhouse

thingiverse | Free

With this model, you can upcycle the glass jars commonly found in Europe into mini ...