Dd Wooden Crates

thingiverse | Free

A few crates I created for decoration. Originally went on a pirate ship, but have ...

Water Bottle Cage

thingiverse | Free

This is a water bottle cage for a bicycle. It is separated into three parts for easy ...

Wolf Keychain

thingiverse | Free

An angry Wolf, on your leash!If you tame him, i would love to see a picture here!Made ...

Grab Toy

thingiverse | Free

Grab Toy ++Introduction:Had lots of problems printing the amazing Scissor Snake family ...

Mr Door Stopper

thingiverse | Free

Mr. Door Stopper got killed by your Door!R.I.P V2: Made him a bit sharper to better ...

Chameleon Eye Toy

thingiverse | Free

Please support me by using PrusaPrinters.org!If you want to support me, please download ...

Supportless Spider Kickstarter Test Model

thingiverse | Free

UPDATE: My first Kickstarter is now live :)https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/m3dm/3d-printable-tabletop-familiars-and-beasts?ref=user_menuThis ...

Spring Factory

thingiverse | Free

VERSION 1.2 is available here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5171637 with ...

Chess Set Print Friendly

thingiverse | Free

Latest Update 29JAN21: Reloaded all files with latest fixes.Some slicers have trouble ...

Tictactoe Game Travel 0V1

thingiverse | Free

(This thing got featured in the thingiverse blog: http://blog.thingiverse.com/2011/05/30/this/ ...

Small Rugged Box

thingiverse | Free

This is a small box I printed for a friend.It is designed to be printed with no support ...

Bridge Torture Test

thingiverse | Free

See if the circle on the bridge comes out ok!Struts are hollow to speed printing.My ...

Cultist Kickstarter Is Live

thingiverse | Free

Our MONSTER MINIATURE KICKSTARTER is now LIVE!www.kickstarter.com/projects/rocketpiggames/monster-miniatures-3d-printable-support-free-tabletop-minis100% ...

The Little Bolt Hobbit

thingiverse | Free

If you use different extruders, is a hassle to recalibrate your reprap each time ...

Harmonic Drive

thingiverse | Free

This is a 94.5 : 1 gearbox that is entirely preassembled and requires no support ...