
thingiverse | Free

‘Platez’ are fun, decorative and informative small car licence plate ...


thingiverse | Free

Z-REX’s (pronounced “Zee – Rex”) are small, easy and fun ...

Easter Egg Dispenser Bunny

thingiverse | Free

The Easter Egg Dispenser Bunny is a fun and decorative easy-to-print design for use ...

Letter Boxes

thingiverse | Free

‘Letter Boxes’ are a unique, fun and decorative storage solution for ...

Universal Glasses Stand

thingiverse | Free

The ‘Universal Glasses Stand’ was designed as a compact freestanding ...


thingiverse | Free

Minisaurs are great fun and have a powerful bite with jaws that snap shut!Well printed ...


thingiverse | Free

Introducing the ‘Prorcupick’… or is it a Pickupine?This is a relatively ...


thingiverse | Free

Piranhaz are a really small, easy and fun print with a big bite for their size… ...

Bathtub Boat Visual Benchy

thingiverse | Free

My first bathtub boatso that young and old captains can play in their own bathtubIn ...

Mini Floor Stands

thingiverse | Free

Mini Floor Stands are just that… a fairly large range of small stand with fun ...